Lifting Facial Massage Kobido Up

Our exclusive Kobido Up treatment, inspired by the Japanese Kobido massage, is an exceptionally potent technique covering the face, arms, and neck, offering an alternative to various aesthetic medical procedures. During the session, lymphatic drainage is combined with a lifting facial massage. The practitioner focuses on relieving tension and restoring muscle function during the session. There’s a wide range of techniques and intensities involved, crucial for stimulating deeper layers of the skin, muscles, and nervous system. This phase boosts energy flow, resulting in a natural lifting effect and a rejuvenated appearance. .

This deep tissue massage enables noticeable results after the initial session, yet for sustained benefits, treatments should be periodically repeated in consultation with the therapist, avoiding excessive frequency. Importantly, relaxation and stress relief are guaranteed. The massage therapist targets the muscles of the arms, décolletage, neck, head, and face

What are the stages of the Kobido Up massage?

The Kobido Up massage consists of several consecutive stages These involve relatively quick and intense movements, which may initially cause slight discomfort. The first stage effectively releases muscle tension, leading to the smoothing of fine expression lines. The second stage focuses on loosening muscles tense due to accumulated emotions. This is followed by a crucial lymphatic drainage stage. Next, a proprietary interbuccal massage (inside-cheek massage, a variation of transbuccal massage) is performed to effectively eliminate tension around the jaw, lips, and cheeks, reducing the appearance of expression lines.

The Kobido Up massage consists of several consecutive stages. These involve relatively quick and intense movements, which may initially cause slight discomfort. The first stage effectively releases muscle tension, leading to the smoothing of fine expression lines. The second stage focuses on loosening muscles tense due to accumulated emotions. This is followed by a crucial lymphatic drainage stage. Next, a proprietary interbuccal massage (inside-cheek massage, a variation of transbuccal massage) is performed to effectively eliminate tension around the jaw, lips, and cheeks, reducing the appearance of expression lines.

What benefits does the Kobido Up massage provide?

This treatment improves facial appearance and skin condition, reducing muscle tension and enhancing skin oxygenation and nourishment. However, its main goal is non-invasive lifting and minimizing the visibility of wrinkles and other signs of aging. These results are achieved by stimulating the skin to produce collagen and elastin. It’s primarily a rejuvenating facial massage, yet it also reduces stress and, when performed correctly, alleviates headaches, and improves digestive system function.

Are there any contraindications to the procedure?

This is a completely non-invasive procedure. Therefore, all contraindications mentioned in its case can be considered relative, meaning that they subside after a certain period, allowing for the massage to be performed. Such contraindications include:

  • recent tooth extraction,
  • inflammatory and purulent conditions in the gum area,
  • acute inflammatory conditions in the body,
  • if laser treatments or mesotherapy have been undergone, massage should be avoided until the inflammatory condition has healed,
  • a waiting period of 4-6 weeks after filler injections,
  • 2-3 weeks after procedures involving muscle-paralyzing agents,,
  • at least 6 months after PDO thread lifting procedures.

OPINIONS about cobido UP treatments

You're also welcome to join our
Kobido Up + Facetaping Training!

and our Master Kobido Up + Intraoral Massage (Buccal Massage)